sleep tight and wake up with a smile
About 20 million Americans suffer from snoring, daytime drowsiness, irritability, fatigue, forgetfulness, falling asleep at inappropriate times or sudden waking, choking, coughing or gasping, caused by sleep apnea.
It’s time to get a handle on the problem and experience: The Rest of Your Life.
Many people don’t even know they have a problem, so they live day in and day out feeling tired, irritable and forgetful.
While you sleep, oral structures can relax and partially block your airway. When this happens, your breath vibrates loose tissues as it is forced in and out of the body. Snoring is the sound produced by the vibrations.
Sleep apnea literally means that you stop breathing while you sleep. Instead of partial blockage, relaxed or improperly positioned oral structures completely block your airway. In many cases, sleep apnea sufferers stop breathing for periods of 10 seconds or longer and this happens repeatedly throughout the night.
When your brain senses oxygen deficiency, it alerts your body to wake up and take a breath. Some people wake up just enough to disrupt deep REM sleep, while others awake fully and quickly, choking or gasping for air.
Without sufficient REM sleep, the human body and brain simply don’t function at a high level.
Fortunately, we can help.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is often caused when the lower jaw relaxes and soft tissues in the throat move in front of the airway. As a dentist, we understand the anatomy of oral structures, including the jaw (mandible).
Our sleep apnea and snoring patients have found great success with the oral appliances we offer that hold the lower jaw slightly forward and help prevent airway blockage.
The oral appliance resembles a sports mouth guard and it’s comfortable to wear. It keeps the airway open so that you can sleep comfortably with no disruptions.
HealthyStart® :
because early treatment is critical!
Do you want your children to sleep better?
We know you do. That is why HealthyStart® is now part of our treatments.
As a parent you probably enjoy seeing your children sleep, but what you may not know is that many children experience Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB), a condition that interferes with child’s ability to breathe properly while they are asleep.
SDB leads to unhealthy growth & development, and serious health and behavioral issues.
HealthyStart® is a non-invasive and pain-free treatment for the little ones. Healthy Start® is a system of oral appliances that influences the growth and development of your children’s jaws and teeth. This system is comfortable, and it can reduce or even eliminate the need for braces in the future.
It can correct dental conditions such as upper and lower crowding, open-bite, overbite, and underdeveloped jaws. Healthy Start® helps kids breathe better, positions their tongues properly, and eliminates oral habits such as finger or thumb sucking.
If children are left untreated, little can be done to correct these symptoms as adults!
Book an appointment and together we can give your child more opportunity to thrive in all areas of their lives.
Let’s Go!
say NO to snoring, and say YES to a good night’s sleep
The Fotona NightLase® snoring treatment is a fast and non-invasive way to say buh-bye to snoring and start sleeping better.
NightLase™ is a non-surgical, painless, and effective treatment that will reduce or eliminate snoring. Sleep well, feel better with NightLase™.
NightLase® works by using laser energy to gently heat the tissues of the airway causing a tightening effect which helps to keep your airway open. It requires no anesthesia, and you can go back to your daily routine immediately after the procedure.
TMJ pain reduction is possible with laser energy
Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a laser treatment that provides a clinically proven, non-invasive solution for pain management.
To reduce pain in your jaw joint muscles and other sore areas, PBM utilizes low-level, visible-red to near-infrared light energy. This energy stimulates cells to naturally heal, relieve pain, and reduce inflammation.
The laser promotes tissue regeneration, stimulation of cell metabolism, increased lymphatic flow and simulation of micro-circulation. Nice!

sleep tight and wake up with a smile
About 20 million Americans suffer from snoring, daytime drowsiness, irritability, fatigue, forgetfulness, falling asleep at inappropriate times or sudden waking, choking, coughing or gasping, caused by sleep apnea.
It’s time to get a handle on the problem and experience: The Rest of Your Life.
Many people don’t even know they have a problem, so they live day in and day out feeling tired, irritable and forgetful.
While you sleep, oral structures can relax and partially block your airway. When this happens, your breath vibrates loose tissues as it is forced in and out of the body. Snoring is the sound produced by the vibrations.
Sleep apnea literally means that you stop breathing while you sleep. Instead of partial blockage, relaxed or improperly positioned oral structures completely block your airway. In many cases, sleep apnea sufferers stop breathing for periods of 10 seconds or longer and this happens repeatedly throughout the night.
When your brain senses oxygen deficiency, it alerts your body to wake up and take a breath. Some people wake up just enough to disrupt deep REM sleep, while others awake fully and quickly, choking or gasping for air.
Without sufficient REM sleep, the human body and brain simply don’t function at a high level.
Fortunately, we can help.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is often caused when the lower jaw relaxes and soft tissues in the throat move in front of the airway. As a dentist, we understand the anatomy of oral structures, including the jaw (mandible).
Our sleep apnea and snoring patients have found great success with the oral appliances we offer that hold the lower jaw slightly forward and help prevent airway blockage.
The oral appliance resembles a sports mouth guard and it’s comfortable to wear. It keeps the airway open so that you can sleep comfortably with no disruptions.
HealthyStart® :
because early treatment is critical!
Do you want your children to sleep better?
We know you do. That is why HealthyStart® is now part of our treatments.
As a parent you probably enjoy seeing your children sleep, but what you may not know is that many children experience Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB), a condition that interferes with child’s ability to breathe properly while they are asleep.
SDB leads to unhealthy growth & development, and serious health and behavioral issues.
HealthyStart® is a non-invasive and pain-free treatment for the little ones. Healthy Start® is a system of oral appliances that influences the growth and development of your children’s jaws and teeth. This system is comfortable, and it can reduce or even eliminate the need for braces in the future.
It can correct dental conditions such as upper and lower crowding, open-bite, overbite, and underdeveloped jaws. Healthy Start® helps kids breathe better, positions their tongues properly, and eliminates oral habits such as finger or thumb sucking.
If children are left untreated, little can be done to correct these symptoms as adults!
Book an appointment and together we can give your child more opportunity to thrive in all areas of their lives.
Let’s Go!
say NO to snoring, and say YES to a good night’s sleep
The Fotona NightLase® snoring treatment is a fast and non-invasive way to say buh-bye to snoring and start sleeping better.
NightLase™ is a non-surgical, painless, and effective treatment that will reduce or eliminate snoring. Sleep well, feel better with NightLase™.
NightLase® works by using laser energy to gently heat the tissues of the airway causing a tightening effect which helps to keep your airway open. It requires no anesthesia, and you can go back to your daily routine immediately after the procedure.
TMJ pain reduction is possible with laser energy
Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a laser treatment that provides a clinically proven, non-invasive solution for pain management.
To reduce pain in your jaw joint muscles and other sore areas, PBM utilizes low-level, visible-red to near-infrared light energy. This energy stimulates cells to naturally heal, relieve pain, and reduce inflammation.
The laser promotes tissue regeneration, stimulation of cell metabolism, increased lymphatic flow and simulation of micro-circulation. Nice!